Patriot “Pater Tot”

Patriot is the official Mascot of OC Animal Allies.  If he stares at you while in the terminal, you must have rench Fries, his favorite treat! Patriot’s nick name is “Pater Tot”, named by children at a local foster home who couldn’t pronounce his name. When not greeting passengers, he does enjoy sunbathing and squeaky toys!

Patriot was found at 3 months old having been abused with his mouth wired shut. His signature scars represent his courageous resilience and survival from animal cruelty. Patriot has proudly served the organization for more than 8 years, and is actively involved in the organization with other programs assisting children and adults.

Click to read more about Patriot’s Story

Dog Name:  Patriot
Sex:  Male
Breed:  Siberian Husky
Greeting Passengers since January of 2020